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A Very Happy Christmas from P3B

Well, what a quick term!  P3B have worked extremely hard all term and continued to do so this week.

We had a ‘Kindness Advent Calendar’ in the classroom with messages behind each door to make us think about kindness, particularly in the run up to Christmas.  We began by asking someone new to play with us on Monday, then gave three compliments to someone on Tuesday.  On Wednesday, we were to carry out a random act of kindness at any point throughout the day.  On Thursday we discussed the importance of being kind to ourselves.  We wrote 5 things that we like about ourselves and discussed the importance of doing things that make us happy and being with people that make us happy.  Finally on Friday, we made a card to say thank you to someone in the class that had been kind to us.  It has been a lovely thing to do  and the children have been enthusiastic, we wrote any special acts of kindness on post-its and put them together in a tin, as the week went on it was great to see the tin filling up.

In maths we have been tiling – not as easy as it sounds!  We were using 2D shapes to explore how different shapes fit together and made repeating patterns using more than one shape. It is tricky to make a pattern using different shapes and leave no gaps! We’re getting very good at it though, anyone needing their bathroom tiled…?

You should hopefully have received a Christmas card from your child – if not please search the bottom of their bag!  we made cards using strips of paper of different lengths and worked out how to place them to make the shape of a Christmas tree.  Everyone worked carefully to do a good job.  They are very effective.

The disco on Wednesday was a big hit – here’s a photo of us just before we went along.

On Thursday we did Basic Moves in PE.  Basic Moves is designed to help children develop many different gross motor skills that can be used in many different sports.  It is also a good cardio work out.

Throughout the week we have been learning about how Christmas is celebrated in different countries around the world.  Then, in pairs, we chose a country to research and made powerpoint presentations to show our findings.  We presented these to the class.  I have been very impressed with the children’s ever-improving ICT skills as well as the content in the presentations.  We all learned a lot and this was a very interesting activity to do.  As always, our presentation skills were very good.

We also enjoyed singing at the ‘Carols Around the Tree’ service. We had been practising hard and it was good fun singing in front of a big audience.

Have a wonderful Christmas everyone and Happy New Year when it comes.

Merry Christmas kids on letters. Contains transparent objects. Stock Vector - 24366286

                            P3B and Mrs Kennedy xxx

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