This Week's News at SPS and Bonnytoun
We have been busy continuing our Scots focus in school this week. Today, P4/5 held a great assembly about ‘New Year’ which ended with all children singing a Scots song about a centipede. Thank you to Mr Ritchie for his efforts which saw all children speaking out and performing well.
Next week, P7 will be holding a Burns’ Supper on Tuesday afternoon and P2 will also be having an afternoon of Scots poetry and activities.
Our Nursery children have been developing their ‘forest skills’ this week by roasting marshmallows on our brand new fire pit.
Tomorrow, a group of staff and P6 and P7 pupils are off to Newcastle to spend the day undertaking football related activities.
Each of our school Houses; Champleurie, Binns, Hopetoun and Ochiltree have now earned over 1000 ‘springs’ and have chosen to cash these in on a trip to Dovecot Park! This means that each class will be allowed to visit the park for a play session over the next week or so. Keep posted for more news.
Have a super weekend everyone!
Miss Baillie xx