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Fabulous Fractions

This week we have been focusing on fractions of amounts, simplfying  fractions and equivalent fractions. We are also working on word problems, multiplication tables and division.

In literacy we wrote a chronological report on Robert Owen and the work he did at New Lanark. Next week we will be writing a non chronological report on the birth of the Industrial Revolution. We also did a comprehension activity based on Oliver Twist.

We continued to rehearse for our upcoming Scottish Opera performance and have now been given our groups. Mrs Newton will Dojo the link to the songs later today.

Russell came to visit us and answer questions on our JASS work. We will see Russell every 2nd week and he will give us help and support as needed.

PC Murray came to talk to us about parking around the school. He explained that we are all responsible for keeping ourselves and others safe and we can do this in the following ways:

1-Walk to school

2- If it is not possible to walk, park further away and walk the last little bit

3- Do not park in the school car park

4- Do not walk through the school car park- EVER- it is very busy and dangerous

5- Always get out of the car on the pavement side

6- Do not run across the road, even if you are late or see a friend

7- Do not leave your engine on when waiting for someone

8- Finally do not park over  driveways, on the zigzags or on the yellow lines

Next week we have our song writers in again, we will be looking at facts v opinions and we will be doing more fraction work and opera singing.

Have a lovely weekend

P6a and Mrs Newton

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