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P4/5 Week Commencing 28th January 2019

On Monday we welcomed Miss Fiddes our Student Teacher from Edinburgh University.  Miss Fiddes showed us how to write an acrostic poem using our names.  This helped Miss Fiddes learn interesting facts about us.

On Tuesday we took part in the fourth workshop provided by NYCOS (National Youth Choir of Scotland) where we learned how to perform a new song called “Star Bright Star Light”.

During ICT we practised our maths skills using SumDog and Education City.  Next week we are going to receive passwords so that we can log into Education City at home.  The passwords will be stuck into our homework jotters.

In Science we finished off our work on the digestive system and started looking at water.  We watched “Reach out Reporter” and learned about a “hagfish” which produces natural mucus to protect itself from attack.  Scientists are trying to use this for clothes and bungee jumping ropes.

In Maths we finished off our work on maps by asking each other questions and giving directions to reach different destinations.  We also finished off our work on shape and will be moving onto money next week. During Big Start this week we used our problem solving skills to solve a number problem.

In reading we took part in our second “Literacy Circles” and carried out our different roles.  We had more time this week to work in our circles as we did not have to go to a special assembly.

In writing this week we learned how to do a “Re-count” about our Assembly.  We learned how to write this in order using sequential words and paragraphs.  In handwriting we learned how to space our letters consistently.

We also started our new topic about the Egyptians by completing a “KWL” grid.

We have continued reading our new class novel which is Doctor Who “The Secret in Vault 13” by David Solomons.  The Doctor has saved an alien species from the Space Lord and reprogrammed all the Mark 4 Army against the space lord. They all escaped using the Tardis.

By Mr Ritchie, Miss Fiddes and all the “Tiggerrific” P4/5s.

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