Singing Central in P6a!
This week in P6a we have been doing a lot of singing, both for the Museum Project and for the Scottish Opera. We started to write our song for the Museum and will continue this in two weeks time.
For Scottish Opera we have been rehearsing in our groups. This is going well and all groups are becoming more confident singing their songs.
We continued fraction work in class, next week we will be starting Time, looking at converting time units and elapsed periods of time. We also continue to work on multiplication and division.
In literacy we did planning for a non chronological report on the birth of the Industrial Revolution, next week we will be writing the report. We also looked at the differences between facts and opinions and revisited all our grammar work from the previous two terms.
In IDL we learned about the factors that led to the Industrial Revolution and next week we will look at child labour.
Have a lovely weekend, stay warm.
P6a and Mrs Newton