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The Victorians have arrived in P2B

This week we began to find out about The Victorians. We talked about what we already knew and created a mind map of our prior knowledge. We then discussed what we want to find out about the Victorians and wrote some questions down.

Our next task was to put certain events and births on a timeline. They even got to find  out when Mrs.Burton was born! We also put when Robert Burns was born was,  when Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth were crowned and the TV was invented. Next week we will be finding out what jobs children did in Victorian times. Maybe it will give the children some ideas to be able to help at home!

We looked at Victorian buildings then we drew our own first in pencil then in either black pen or charcoal. We will be creating a Victorian street between the 2 classes.

We have entered the world of multiplication this week and some of us have done very well. K.H ,G.M,E.L and J.K were the superstars of multiplication this week. We have been looking at arrays and making groups of things and how we can use repeated addition to work out multiplication problems.

In Science with Mrs.Tulloch we have been finding out about solids, liquids and gases. Get your children to explain about atoms! We made oobleck out of cornflour and water and talked about it’s solid state. Great fun was had by all if a little messy.

We have continued with our Magic ‘e’ in Phonics but using i-e, making lots of words and creating posters of them. Some children have been working on the ‘oo’ sound. We started reading “George’s Marvellous Medicine” and have had lots of laughter so far.

In Music with Ms. Bain we were all playing percussion instruments and were on beat with the music. She was very proud of us.

A.D ‘s Show and Tell on Aviemore and our Scottish Learning Display.

Hope that you’re all keeping warm this weekend.

Love from P2B and Mrs.Burton


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