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Park Play, Friendships and Reading Strategies (P3A)

This week we went to Dovecot Park for a free play! This was a reward as part of our House Points/Springs system. Each term there are different rewards that we can pick from so since each house (Champfleurie, Hopetoun, Ochiltree and Binns) had achieved over 1000 springs, we went to the park! We had a lot of fun playing on the different equipment!

As part of Health and Wellbeing this week, we looked at friendships. We explored what it meant to be a good friend and then we discussed whether everyone can be a friend and if you can be friends with someone all the time. Afterwards, Miss Harrison gave us different scenarios that we had to act out.  We shared these scenarios with the rest of the class and then we discussed how we could help in each of the situations.

In Numeracy this week we revised some of our subtraction strategies and we learned how to subtract a teens number from a two-digit number. First we subtracted ten and then we subtracted the number of units. Some of us were learning how to subtract two-digit numbers and subtract over a multiple of 10 and some of us were learning to subtract three-digit multiples of 10. This week we have also been using our subtraction skills to solve problems.

This week we have been revising finding quarter past and quarter to times and using am and pm times. We are going to continue revising using quarter to times next week and then look at finding time durations.

This week we produced a final draft of our discursive writing on ‘For and Against Computers’. We discussed what ‘Presentation Perfect’ would look like in P3A and then we made our own success criteria. We decided that our writing should be neat, we should use the appropriate punctuation, we should include a detailed picture and that our words should be spelled correctly. We were very proud of our writing and Miss Harrison has displayed our final drafts in our classroom.

On Friday we revised our numbers to 20 in French. We listened to a numbers song, revised our counting and then we played a French numbers game. We rolled the dice, added two numbers together, said the answer in French and then coloured in the answer. The winner was the one with the most coloured in at the end.

In Literacy this week we have been learning to use strategies as we read to help make the meaning of texts clear.  We discussed strategies that we could use to help us when reading aloud and to help us when we encounter a tricky word. We explored different reading strategies and then we made posters to describe each strategy which have been displayed in our reading area. We also gave some of our posters to P1 to help them with their reading too! In reading this week, we have also been looking at answering and creating true or false questions about our reading books.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

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