P4/5 Week commencing 18th February 2019
We hope everyone had a great holiday!
On Wednesday we continued with our Egyptian topic and investigated some of the 2000 gods and goddesses. Everyone in the class selected a god or goddess and created a small fact sheet.
In Science we finished our saving water posters and then we looked at a girl who lived in western Nepal. We read a story about a girl, Sita Maya, who had to walk for hours to collect water and she did this several times every day.
In Maths we continued working on time with Mrs Birkett and money with Miss Fiddes. We were working with £5 and £10 notes.
This week we had an art lesson. During the art lesson we created portraits of our chosen god or goddess by using chalk pastels and oil pastels on black paper. We used a lot of different colours and shapes. After we had finished our art work we held a show case and presented our art work to the class. We are a tiggerrific bunch of artists!
In RME we were looking the Passover celebration and in particular the Seder plate. We were learning about the different foods that go on the plate and what they represent. One of the items of food on the Seder plate is a lamb bone.
In reading we took part in our fifth “Literacy Circles” and carried out our different roles. One group got a new book this week and it was the third time that we used the resource “The Literacy Box”. Miss Fiddes also took a group and we looked at out characters in our book. We were discussing the character traits, personality and how this is shown in our books.
After school on Thursday Mr Ritchie, Ben, Michael, and Emily with the choir all took part in a family fun language event at Linlithgow Primary.
By Mr Ritchie, Miss Fiddes and all the “Tiggerrific” P4/5s.