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Maths, Maths and More Maths

This week we started our Rugby sessions with Dougie from Linlithgow Rugby Club. The weather was really nice and we managed to play the session outside, fingers crossed it stays warm and sunny over the next few weeks.

Some of us went to the Nursery to help them do a traffic survey, we found this quite tricky (but fun), who knew little children could be such hard work!!!

In literacy we wrote biographies on each other. We had to use open questions to interview our partner and then use these to tell their life story. Next week we will be writing our own autobiographies.

In Maths we have been working on fractions, decimals and percentages, converting one to the other and then calculating discounts. We have also been working on our problem solving skills. We have learned how important it is to read the questions as quite often we are missing key facts.

As part of our work on the Industrial Revolution we compared paintings by Constable and Lowry. We worked in groups and discussed what we could see, hear and feel if we were  inside the painting, as well as what we liked and disliked about them. We then shared these opinions with each other.

On Thursday we had our final opera rehearsal before our workshop on Tuesday- Mrs Newton thinks we are excellent singers.

Two ladies from Fairtrade came in to talk to us about the cocoa bean journey- we were very suprised at how little the cocoa bean farmers get paid compared to the manufacturers and retailers!

Next week we have our bake sale for Fairtrade, please remember to send in all donations on Wednesday 6th March, clearly marked with a price and labelled if they are gluten and/or dairy free. The bake sale will take place on Thursday 7th March, so please also remember to send some money in to buy our yummy bakes.

Have a lovely weekend,

P6a and Mrs Newton

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