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P4/5 Week commencing 25th of February

On Tuesday we had our NYCOS lesson. We were learning a new African song that used clapping and a ball.

On Wednesday we continued with our Egyptian topic and investigated pyramids. We used sugar cubes, spaghetti pasta and mini marshmallows to build pyramids. We also used our bodies to make pyramids and used a pyramid net to make a 3D paper pyramid!

Also, we were visited by two ladies from Fair trade who told us about where chocolate comes from and we even got to sample a piece! This was part of Fair Trade Fortnight.

In Science we were looking at shadufs. A shaduf is a structure that is used to collect water from a river, like the Nile, and move the water for the farmers. These are used in Egypt and other countries. We used Lego to build our own working models.

In Maths we continued to explore money by looking at the £20 note. We were also looking at mental math strategies and continued to work on our time skills.

In RME we were looking the Passover celebration and finished the story about Moses. We took parts of the story and stuck them in our jotters in the correct order.

In reading we took part in our sixth “Literacy Circles” and carried out our different roles. This week the groups who worked with Miss Fiddes looked at the characters external and internal features as well as the characters thoughts and feelings. We were using lots of great adjectives and character trait words. The other groups continued to use ‘The Literacy Box 1’ and everyone was working hard.

On Friday we had the pleasure of listening to the school choir. They performed ‘Brave’ and ‘The Greatest’ and performed actions while they sang! They were TIGGERIFFIC! It was also Miss Fiddes’ last day and she would like to say a huge thank you to Springfield Primary School especially P4/5 and Mr Ritchie who were truly Tiggerrific!!

By Mr Ritchie, Miss Fiddes and all the “Tiggerrific” P4/5s.

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