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Victorian toys and Instructions in P2B

Well this week we have been looking, talking, creating and identifying the differences in Victorian Toys compared to nowadays. We made Thaumatropes, which Mrs.Burton has struggled to pronounce all week. We tried to make them using string but found that they worked better using plastic straws. The children have brought them home and will give you a demonstration. We have looked at toys today and compared them with toys in Victorian times. The main difference seems to be what they are made of. Some of the children brought in toys that their Mummies and Daddies played with. So we had plenty of discussion about these.

In Literacy this week we planned and then wrote instructions on how to make a Thaumatrope and most of us remembered the order of what to do. It’s been a week if revision in Phonics for one group. We’ve been revising the magic ‘e’ and next week we’ll go onto revision of common words. The other group having being ‘ou’ and ‘ow’.

This week we completed work on division and the children are getting very good at working out division problems. Next week we will be looking at the relationship between multiplication and division. Some of us have already made the connection. A good site to use for division practise is Topmarks – Sharing.

As it’s Fairtrade Fortnight we had to ladies come to talk to us about Fairtrade foods and we even got to taste some Fairtrade chocolate!

So another busy week in Primary 2B. Have a lovely weekend.

Love from 2B and Mrs.Burton

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