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Our visit to New Lanark and Fractions in P2B

We all had a great day at New Lanark. The weather forecast was better than expected and the sun even came out. We enjoyed our little ride around the Annie Macleod experience and think we all learnt a lot from that. Then we had Janet talk to us about Victorian toys and we got to try out the toys and compared them to what we play with today. Everyone had great fun with the various toys including skittles, hopscotch and ball and cup. Mrs.Burton tried her hardest with the ball and cup but didn’t succeed. We then had the long awaited lunch and visited the school room where some of us dressed up and some pretended to be the teacher. We concluded our visit with a short film on Time Travelling. Looking both back and forward in time. So a very successful trip which I think was enjoyed by all. Some photos of our trip.

On Wednesday we wrote a recount of our trip using time connectives and the past tense. Our drawings of New Lanark are ongoing. We have also worked on a comprehension about “Hansel and Gretel”.

In Numeracy we have been learning about Fractions – both halves and quarters and can now recognise half of a shape as well as 1 quarter, 2 and 3. Next week we will continue with Fractions of numbers.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Love from P2B and Mrs.Burton

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