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Internet Safety, Endangered Animals and Pink Peach Trees in P3A!

In Numeracy and Mathematics we have been revising our subtraction strategies with bridging and we have been learning to use a written method to subtract a two-digit number from a two-digit number. Some of us have been revising our mental and written subtraction strategies and some of us have been subtracting three-digit numbers from four-digit numbers.

This week we looked at giving change from £1. We used a strategy that we learned in subtraction to help us to calculate change. We remembered that £1 is the same as 100p so when we were solving £1-34p, we started at 100, subtracted 30 and then subtracted 4. Some of us were also learning to make money totals using £5 and £10 notes.

This week we revised what we already know about internet safety. We remembered that we should never give away any personal information online and that we should tell an adult if anything on the internet ever upsets us. We watched a video from Jessie and Friends about sharing pictures. Afterwards, we completed an activity and then we made our own helping hands, naming adults that we can talk to if we are ever feeling worried or sad. We will continue to learn about internet safety next week.

On Monday afternoon, we started working on our class assembly. Miss Harrison is letting us plan our own assembly and we gave her a list of suggested topics. We had a vote and we have decided that our assembly is going to be about Endangered Animals.  We sorted ourselves into groups and we selected an endangered animal to research. Currently, we are working on our presentations.

In Expressive Arts, we looked at a painting called ‘The Pink Peach Tree’ by Vincent van Gogh. Miss Harrison explained to us that Vincent van Gogh used short brushstrokes to create his paintings and we tried to make our own images in a similar style. We used short strokes with oil pastels to create our trees and landscapes and then we used paint to add blossom. Our paintings are displayed as part of our ‘Great Outdoors’ theme in our infant area.

Thank you for reading our blog post.

We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx


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