P2A Giraffes Can't Dance Assembly Preparation
Welcome back everybody!
Just a short blog for a short week and to tell you our exciting news…
It’s time to start planning our class assembly! Our assembly is at 10am on Friday 24th May and you’re all invited to attend, we hope you can make it.
We have decided to base our assembly on the story ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’. If you haven’t heard this story before, I’ve attached a link below. The story fits in nicely with our Health and Wellbeing focus this term –resilience.
Everybody has a speaking part; the children picked their parts today. Scripts will go home on Monday.
They can decide which jungle animal they would like to be (each animal does a dance!) – see the list below. If you have any costumes or onesies that we could borrow that would be fab! Please don’t feel you have to go out and buy anything, we can make costumes at school.
The animals are –
- Warthogs who waltz
- Rhinos who rock n’ roll
- Lions who tango
- Baboons who do a Scottish reel
- Chimps who cha cha
I’ve asked the children to have a think over the weekend and decide which animal they are going to be so we can start learning the dances next week.
Homework will go out on Monday, with a fresh Maths activities grid to support the Maths we will be covering this term Also, Miss Devonshire has made a grid of fun summery spelling activities to get you out and about practising your spellings.
I had a few queries regarding the handwriting and common word sheet sent out earlier in the week – that’s just for your reference if you want to work on these at home.
Have a fun weekend,
Love from Mrs Bell, Miss Devonshire and P2A x