Kindness is a Superpower!
We have had a lovely week in school as we return from Easter break and move into Term 4.
Today we held our termly, ‘values assembly’ where we look closely at our values and reflect together. Did you know that kindness is a superpower? At least, at Springfield and Bonnytoun, we believe it to be so.
We talked about the power of a small act of kindness and how with repeated small acts, we can create a ‘kindness movement.’ Kindness can change the world!
Fostering positive mental health in our children, is one of our main priorities in school and nursery. Today we learned that is important that we treat ourselves with kindness and have kind ‘inner voices.’ We learned how to turn the negative things that we may think or feel about ourselves into positive comments. This is very important for our wellbeing. We will continue to work on this concept with all children, including our youngest.
Let’s be kind to ourselves and kind to others. We are all unique and we all have talents to share.
Happy weekend everyone!
Miss Baillie xx