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Primary 1B - w/e 26th April 2019

It was lovely to see everyone back after the Easter holidays.

This week we revised all of the sounds, digraphs and tricky words which we have learned so far in P1.  Mrs Reid was very impressed with how much everyone could remember!

In Numeracy we continued to learn about numbers to 20.  We have been identifying larger/smaller and largest/smallest numbers within a given selection of numbers.  We have also been practising writing our numbers to 20.

In PE, we started a term long block of Gymnastics lessons with Mrs Harris who is an external Gymnastics specialist.  We were learning three different positions – straight, tuck and star.  We had to listen carefully to hear which position we needed to make to move around the hall.  Everyone tried very hard to follow Mrs Harris’ instructions.

We were very lucky to have Mrs Laing visit us this week to do an Art lesson, teaching us how to work with clay.  Everyone will have the chance to build a clay sandcastle.  Some children completed their sandcastles this week and the others will have a chance to do this next week.  It was tricky (and very messy!) working with the clay and we found we needed to have strong hands to mould the clay into shape.

We also had four very special visitors to the class this week – Mr & Mrs McAulay, Tilly and Lottie!  It was wonderful to see them all.  We were very quiet as Tilly and Lottie were asleep!

We finished the week with a lovely paired reading session with our P7 buddies.


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Reid and Primary 1B

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