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A Community Based on Respect

Today we focused on the Wellbeing Indicator, ‘being respected ’ in assembly. We made links between this indicator, our school values and the Rights Respecting School articles. Children learned about our climate of ‘mutual respect’ and specifically how the adults in school respect children and how we can all respect each other.

We treat each other as equals, regardless of our skin colour, gender or religious belief knowing that we are all different and beautiful in our own individual way.

We reflected together on these important words:

You are important

Your are smart

You are special

You are kind

By saying kind words to ourselves, we show respect for ourselves. Respecting ourselves on a daily basis helps to build us up so that we that we can go on to do great things.

How have you shown respect for yourself and for others today?

Have a great weekend everyone!

Miss Baillie xx




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