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P1a's caterpillars, butterflies and dentists...

Another busy week in P1a.

We had the first of our nursery visitors for their transition to P1. Each week some of the children will come and spend some time in P1 sharing a story and playing.

Our topic for this term is all about our local area. As part of that we are looking at people who work in the local community. We have invited any parents/carers who do a job in the community to come and talk to us about their job. Our first visitor this week was H’s mum who is a pediatric dentist. We absolutely loved learning about the job and playing with all the props H’s mum brought. We loved it so much we did a vote for our next role play area and over half of the class voted for a dentist!

We have been very creative this week. As we have loved making things with loom bands Mrs Gordon taught herself (and then us) to finger knit. It is pretty tricky so we will need lots of practice. We invited in some of the P3’s to help and L and R picked it up very quickly to take back and teach in their classrooms. We love leading learning ! We also learnt the recipe to make our own playdough. We have our own station now. It was challenging but we are learning what to do when it is too wet or dry…

We have also been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly and have 5 very hungry caterpillars living in the classroom. We are looking after them and watching them grown each day.

In literacy we revised our common words and in numeracy we finished our subtraction journey (for now…).

Happy weekend, Mrs Gordon and P1a.

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