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P6a at the Peel

On Monday we went to the Peel to take part in an environmental art session with Will and Keith from Historic Scotland. We really enjoyed this activity, firstly we took part in a scavenger hunt to find leaves, sticky willows, rocks, sticks, a buttercup and a purple flower. Then we made a green man, we used clay on trees to make a face and then we used grass and leaves to decorate the face. It was a great morning, even though a few of us got stung by nettles.

On Tuesday we learned about the 8 fold path that Buddhists follow. Some of us also took part in the Tiny and Tall session with our Nursery Buddies.

Wednesday we continued our art inspired by Thiebauld and finished our work on strategies to solve multiplication problems. We completed our leaflets on activities for children in Linlithgow and worked on our presentations for the proposed Cala homes development.

Thursday saw us discuss our inferential and literalĀ  questions relating to our reading books. In Science we completed our torso’s and decorated these, before peer assessing them. We completed a mental maths activity in the afternoon and then finished our power point planning for our presentations.

Today we created power points and planned our talks to the planning committee (Mrs Newton and Mrs Hutton) and had a camp discussion.

Next week we will start to learn about what makes a sustainable development and write a persuasive text on why we think new homes should be environmentally friendly.

Have a lovely weekend, we only have 5 weeks left before we are P7’s

P6a and Mrs Newton



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