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Mind maps, Litter and Capacity (P3A)

In Numeracy this week we have been revising our multiplication facts for the 3, 4 and 5 times-tables, multiplying multiples of 10 and multiplying a 2-digit number by 2, 3 and 4. Some of us have also been dividing by 3, multiplying by 7 and revising all of our multiplication facts and strategies. Next week we will start work on division.

This week we looked at recording measurements of capacity using litres and millilitres. We worked in groups and rotating round different measuring activities. We played a game called ‘Drip and Drag’ on the laptops, practised reading scales and estimated and measured the capacity of different containers.

In Literacy we looked at illustrating part of a story that we enjoyed. We looked at the role of an illustrator and then we drew a scene or part of a story that we enjoyed, using either our class novel or a reading book from home. Once we had finished our pictures, we described what was happening in our pictures and why we chose to draw that part of the story.

This week we also looked at mind-mapping. We explored and discussed examples of mind maps and then we worked in pairs to create a mind map to highlight our ideas for our litter campaign. On Wednesday, we reviewed our mind maps and made an action plan with the help of Miss Harrison. After we had decided what needs to be done, we worked in pairs to make persuasive posters for our litter campaign. Over the next few weeks we will be encouraging others to care for their environment.

In Health this week, we learned how to use medicines safely. We listened to a story called ‘How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon?’ and we discussed times where we felt unwell and how we got better. Miss Harrison spoke to us about keeping safe around medicines and then we looked at ‘What Should I Do If’ scenario cards in groups. Using what we had learned, we worked in pairs to write down three golden rules for keeping safe around medicines.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx


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