P4/5 Week commencing 27th May 2019
In Maths this week we finished off the work on our bar & pie charts. We then interpreted the data from the playground and made sets of questions to challenge each other. In addition to this we also played a game of Noggle, the highest number generated was 12,600!
In Handwriting we practised forming our punctuation and added it into our writing this week.
In writing this week we wrote an entry in our diary about our excursion to the National Museum of Scotland. We included lots of information about all the different artefacts and exhibits we saw.
In PE this week we played outdoor games including a game of “rounders” to improve our fitness levels. On Thursday as the weather was not very good we played a selection of indoor activities including “corners”, “tig”, “dodge ball” and “categories”.
In Reading we continued with our Literacy Circles with everyone taking turns at their specified roles. The Question Writers wrote very good questions to challenge their groups.
In Science this week we made electrical games to test our knowledge of electricity. It was great fun! Our models turned out brilliant and we worked well together to make them.
This week we worked in our co-operative groups and researched information about the history of the Union Canal. We also looked at the interior design of canal boats and started to produce a design for our own model boat.
In RME we looked at Judaism with Mrs McAlpine where we learned the story about Moses and the burning bush.
In French this week we played a game of hangman using the different French greetings and feelings we had been learning and another game using body parts.
Our Language Ambassadors taught the class how to order their lunches in French.
The Maths club also had their first meeting to teach the P1-3’s maths skills. The children really enjoyed themselves and are looking forward to coming back next week.
Mr Ritchie and the “tiggerrific” P4/5’s