P1a weekly news
As the blog wasn’t working last week, here is the news from last week and this week.
Well it was finally time for the P1a assembly……our P1a journey, it was so nice to see how far we have come.
We had a very busy week learning our lines and songs. Mrs Gordon was very proud of us today when we all showed our Springfield values. We were confident with our lines and songs, we were inclusive by making sure everyone had a turn, we were resilient by continuing to learn our lines even when it was a struggle, we were kind when we helped our classmates and we we were respectful of everyone’s needs and property. Well done P1a!
For the last 2 weeks we have been learning about odd and even numbers in numeracy. We started counting in two’s and realised that if we remember the even numbers end in 0,2,4,6,8 and the odd numbers in 1,3,5,7,9 then we can tell whether any number in the world is odd or even. We still need to practice this as it is quite tricky!
In IDL our topic on local area continues and nearly everyone has had a chance to have a class pet home to explore Linlithgow. We have some amazing stories and pictures in their diaries. This week the focus was on facilities in our local areas and what things a community needs. We made posters of our favourite things in Linlithgow.
In PE we continued our gymnastics journey with Mrs Harris. Our focus was on our tall, tuck and wide shapes within games and then on apparatus, we especailly liked walking over the beam and then jumping onto the crash mat. It was also a lot of fun when we had to go under lots of tunnels and bumps.
In French we learned classroom commands. Mrs Gordon can say lots of commands in French and we know what to do…eg asseyez-vous – sit down, en ligne – line up etc we even taught the P5-7 Language Ambassadors how to do it.
Bon weekend, Mrs Gordon and P1a