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Bonne Année et Bonne Retour a classe P1a

Welcome back and Happy New Year!


In literacy this week we had lost of fun revision all of our sounds from a-z and all of our common words. We did this by playing games like phonics tig and singing songs etc. Next week we are ready to move onto diagraphs… this is where 2 letters make one sound.

We also did some writing about our Christmas holidays. We managed to all write at least one full sentence about what we did.


This week our focus was on revising our number bonds to 10 and looking back at telling the ‘o’ clock times, days of the week, seasons and months of the year. Almost all of us can name all of the number bonds to 10 (eg 6 and 4, 7 and 3 etc). We also did very well telling the time with analogue and digital clocks.


This week we took part in a bootcamp session with Mhairi. Primary 1 worked so hard that they got to try the beep test. Everyone did so well with this, what a competitive and resilient bunch! 4 children made it to the end of level 10….impressive….

We have been revising our values this week “resilient, respectful, included, kind, confident”. To reinforce resilience we learnt all about our brains and having a “growth mindset”. We talked about instead of saying “I can’t do it”, we must say “I can’t do it yet”. We also talked about making mistakes and that mistakes are a good thing. When we make a mistake we are learning and helping our brain to get stronger. We are all going to try really hard to be resilient and not give up when something is tricky…

Bon weekend from Mrs Gordon and P1a

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