Welcome back P1B
Happy New Year to everyone and a big welcome back. It was so nice to see so many smiley faces on Monday.
This week we have had a little revision week to recap on all of our sounds and numbers before we start our new concepts on Monday. We have had a tricky word day to practise our spelling. We also wrote all about our holiday news and wrote some beautiful sentences independently. The progress is incredible! We enjoyed writing thank you letters to Santa on Monday with Miss Baillie. We talked about how important it is to say thank you and show our school value of respect. In Maths we were revising our number bonds to 10 and the concept of addition. We will be starting on Subtraction next week.
We also had a special visitor on Tuesday to come and deliver fun boot camp taster sessions. We all enjoyed playing lots of fun games and even took part in the bleep test to see how fit we were. Some of the P1 boys and girls got up to Level 11!! Wow. Mrs McAulay was so proud. In PE with Mrs McAulay we were developing a range of different skills and worked our way around the stations to practise.
In HWB we have been learning all about having Growth Mindset. This means that we attack challenges with enthusiasm and make sure we keep telling ourselves that ‘we can do it’. We read a story called ‘My Fantastic Elastic Brain’ and it showed us how we can make our brain stronger when we learn new things and develop new skills. Did you know you can stretch and grow your own brain? Or that making mistakes is one of the best ways your brain learns? Just like how lifting weights helps your muscles get stronger, trying new things without giving up-like finding the courage to put your face in the water the first time you’re at a pool-strengthens your brain.
We talked about Neurons in our brains acting as little messengers and how they get thicker and stronger when we learn new things. So we made a collage of our brain…..we used string to represent the weak neurons and things we cannot do (………..yet!), we used thicker straws to show things that we are learning at the moment and we used strong pipe cleaners to represent things that we are really good at and feel confident at doing (because we have practised them lots). We each came up with examples of each. These will be sent home today so you can discuss them with your child to reinforce the important message.
A big well done to CH for filling his values sheet. He got to add his name to the Springfield Hall of Fame and we are very proud of him.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs McAulay and P1B x