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New Year, chimney sums and Scotland mind maps in P2A

Happy New Year! What a lovely welcome back the children gave me!  It was lovely to see their happy faces on Monday, they’re all very good at calling me Mrs Bell (better than I am at recognising it as my own name!)

On Monday we learnt about New Year and how we celebrate it here in Scotland. We sang Auld Lang Syne and shared our New Year resolutions.

In Literacy we wrote about our Christmas holiday. The children had lots to write about, what exciting holidays they have all had! We also worked on spelling the days of the week, remembering to use a capital letter and the tricks to spelling them, for example, sounding out Wed-nes-day.

In Maths we learnt how to lay out a chimney sum. We know to add the ones first, then the tens. We are able to use this strategy to add together 2 2 digit numbers. We worked in pairs to complete this first, we were good at teaching each other and working as a team.

Here are some to have a go at:

44 + 32       62 + 15     81 + 12

We were full of energy on Tuesday afternoon, we had a special visitor who did some running and fitness games with us. We were determined to get to a higher level that P1 in the bleep test – well done to RM and OW who both reached Level 13! Lots of red faces at the end of the session!

Our focus over the next few weeks is Famous Scots. We began the topic by completing a mind map on what we know about Scotland, looking at a map of the UK and finding where we live on the map. MH did a super mind map:

We also started reading a story called ‘Tom’s Sausage Lion’ by Michael Morpurgo. Michael Morpurgo has written lots of short stories, if you have any at home you wouldn’t mind us borrowing please send them in.

Next week we will begin to look at ‘magic e’ in Phonics and Money in Maths. Homework, reading books and Sharing the Learning sheets will go home on Monday.

Have a great weekend,

Love P2A and Miss…Mrs Bell x

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