Term 3 at SPS and Bonnytoun Begins
Happy New Year to you all!
We have had a lovely, calm and settled start to Term 3 and to the month of January in school and nursery.
This week all classes have been reinforcing our school values and this culminated in a ‘values assembly’ today in school. We talked about the ongoing need to be kind and respectful to each other. Staff are going to be looking out for positive behaviour in our dinner hall this term with the chance for one pupil to be crowned the ‘dinner hall champion’, before Easter, for showcasing good manners and behaviour.
Nursery children are going to be learning about the school value of ‘being included’ as they play games and learn to share and take turns.
Here are the achievements for this week:
-A huge congratulations to Zara in P7 for gaining Grade 1 in piano! What a brilliant achievement!
-Well dons to C in P3 who continues to perform well in Gymnastics.
Next week, our pupils are going on to begin a block of work learning about famous Scottish inventors and the contributions they have made to our lives today. This will form part of our work in Social Studies for this term.
You will receive your child’s home learning grid and Sharing the Learning sheet for the term, when they are sent home in school bags next week. We hope that you enjoy taking part in your child’s learning and helping them to practise skills learned in school.
Have a great weekend,
Miss Baillie xx