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2019 Begins in P2B

We’ve had a busy beginning to 2019 in P2B. We began by talking about our Christmas holidays and then writing about what we did. Lots of exciting things and lots of lovely presents. What lucky children we are! New Years Resolutions have also featured in our work this week and we have talked about our hopes for 2019 and looked at how the New Year is celebrated around the world. We have done some Phonics revision, as well as practising the spelling of the days of the week and some of our common words. Next week  and for the following few weeks we will be learning how to spell words with the magic ‘e’.

We have continued our work on subtraction and next week will move on to the recognition of coins up to 50p and adding up small amounts. So it will be Money, Money, Money in P2B!!

Our work on the school values has continued and we have particularly concentrated on Kindness and Respect. This was continued at our assembly on Friday.

We have begun our Scottish focus by making a mind map of things we already know. It seems lots already! Next week we will look at the life of Eric Liddell- a famous Scottish Olympian.

We’ve had a visitor this week who did some fitness work with us and lots of running. Red faces were in abundance when we came back to the classroom!!

Some great models have been made and F.W. Spoke well about one of his Christmas presents a ukelele.

Happy New Year Everyone.

Love from P2B and Mrs.Burton

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