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Time, Williamina Fleming and Play Leaders (P3A)

In Numeracy this week we have been continuing to look at subtraction. We learned different strategies to subtract a teens number from 20 and we looked at using different subtraction vocabulary such as ‘minus’ and ‘find the difference’. Some of us were learning how to subtract multiples of 10 and near multiples of 10 from a two-digit number and some of us were linking our addition and subtraction facts and using these to solve problems.

This week we also started to look at time. We revised using o’clock and half past times and then we learned how to use quarter past and quarter to times. We played a game on the computers called ‘Stop the Clock’ where we had to use our knowledge of times to match analogue and digital clocks.

In Literacy this week we have been looking at non-fiction texts. We have been listening to and reading different non-fiction texts and on Monday we learned to find information in non-fiction texts. On Tuesday we used non-fiction texts on the internet to find out information about Williamina Fleming, our Famous Scot focus. We recorded our research notes and then on Wednesday, we used them to write a report about the life of Williamina Fleming. We used interesting titles, subheadings for each section of our reports, an opening paragraph to tell what our reports were about and a closing sentence to round off our reports. Two of us will be sharing our reports at the Scottish assembly next Friday.

This week we were also looking at using different linking words. We completed an activity where we had to select the correct linking word to complete the sentence. Afterwards we chose the correct linking word for different sentences and then we wrote our own sentences using the linking words that we had learned.

On Wednesday we went to our school library. We will be visiting the library every Wednesday just before lunch. We really enjoyed our first visit to our new library and enjoyed reading our new books with our friends.

On French Friday we started to revise our numbers in French. We listened to a French numbers song, played different French numbers games on the Promethean board and matched the words in French to the correct numbers with a partner.

In PE this week, we have been continuing to practise our football skills. We developed our dribbling skills and worked on looking up whilst dribbling by trying to balance cones on our heads. We also practised passing to a partner and then we played a dribbling game against the other teams.

This week we have been continuing to lead play in P1. We really enjoy being play leaders and helping to support free play in both P1 classes. This week we have also been leading block play. Our block play leaders have been taking groups of P1 pupils and leading their learning.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

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