Monday saw both P6 classes visit the Scottish Parliament. We had a very enjoyable trip and would recommend that everyone goes for a visit if they can- it is free

On Tuesday afternoon Caro and Stuart, from the Linlithgow Museum Song Project, came in and we started working on our song. This week we used an old bottle as a stimulus, discussed what it might have been used for, who might have used it and what it would tell us if it could talk. In two weeks time we will start the song writing process.

More music on Thursday, this time Opera, with the other P6 class and both P7’s. We have 6 weeks to learn the songs for this before Scottish Opera come into school, we know we will be excellent, we just need a bit more song rehearsals!

In PE we did Boccia and practised our throwing and catching skills. We also did the Beep test, over the next few weeks we are going to work on our stamina and see if we can run further.

Next week we are going to be starting the Industrial Revolution, doing a report on Robert Owen and continuing fractions work.

Have a lovely weekend,

P6a, Mrs Newton and Mrs Hutton

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