P4/5 Week commencing 14th January 2019
We have been busy practising our class assembly and feel we are now ready to perform to the whole school and our families. We have made a centipede to dance along to our fabulous song. We hope you will enjoy our performance!
On Tuesday we took part in the second workshop provided by NYCOS (National Youth Choir of Scotland) where we learned how to perform new songs, singing skills, rhymes and movement. We learned the first and second verses of the “Coca Cola” rhyming song.
During ICT we practised our maths skills using SumDog and completed our Health and Wellbeing surveys..
In Science we learned about the function of the heart and we made a stethoscope and listened to our heart beats. We also made blood and looked at how the heart pumps it around the body.
In Maths we started to look at directions using the compass and describing the different types of angles and turns required to reach a destination. We also did “outdoor maths” using chalks to make a compass and give each other questions about the different directions.
In reading we have formed our new “Literacy Circles” and have learned about the different roles we will have within our reading circle. We are looking forward to getting together in our reading circles next Thursday and discussing our new reading books and performing our different roles. We will get a different role within the circle each week.
In handwriting we were practising how to get the letter “t” at the correct height in our sentences and words.
This week we also changed tables and classroom responsibilities so we all have a new job to help look after the classroom.
By Mr Ritchie and all the “Tiggerrific” P4/5s.