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Primary 5 w/e 25th January 2019

This week we had the opportunity to put our handball skills to the test, at the Handball Festival at Linlithgow Academy on Thursday. We played against other schools from Linlithgow and had great fun.

In maths we have begun to explore money. We will continue to do this next week too. We have begun to use a new mental maths resource to help us with our mental agility.

Our storywriting this week was about The Arctic Circle. Our stimulus for the story was a character outside a small metal building in the Arctic. We then created our own stories about the character and the events that might happen to him.

In our Guided Reading Task this week we described what we might do if we could spend a day with a character from our reading book. There were some interesting ideas. We have also completed comprehension tasks.

We have looked at Alexander Fleming as our Famous Scot. We have created posters and powerpoints about both Fleming and Alexander Graham Bell.

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