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P4/5 Week commencing 21st January 2019

On Tuesday we took part in the third workshop provided by NYCOS (National Youth Choir of Scotland) where we learned how to perform more new songs, singing skills, rhymes and movement.

During ICT we practised our maths skills using SumDog and Education City.  We also used a search engine to find interesting facts about Andrew Carnegie a famous Scottish philanthropist.

In Science we learned more about the function of the heart and we listened to our heart beats.  We did tests to find out how our heart pumps and what happens to it when we exercise and rest. We also started learning about the water cycle.

In Maths we continued work on maps using directions and the compass.  We have also written our new targets for Term 3.

In reading we took part in our first “Literacy Circles” and enjoyed carrying out our different roles we will have within the reading circle.  We are looking forward to getting together in our reading circles next week and discussing our reading books and performing our different roles.

In writing we researched information on John Logie Baird and Andrew Carnegie.  We then created a mind map to record all the interesting facts we found and used this to help us write stories about their lives. We are going to use our writing to make a nice display in the classroom.

On Thursday we had a talk by the local Community Police Officer – PC Murray about road safety.

We have also chosen our new class novel which is Doctor Who “The Secret in Vault 13” by David Solomons.  It sounds very exciting……………

By Mr Ritchie and all the “Tiggerrific” P4/5s.

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