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A very Scottish week in Primary 2B


Well we have certainly been busy with our Scottish focus this week. We have been learning about Kirkpatrick MacMillan who invented the bicycle. He rode the first one, made of iron, all the way to Glasgow from his home in Dumfries. What a feat! The children then designed their own bicycles and either used straws or charcoal to create them. Some brilliant designs. Well done P2B.
We celebrated Burns today with singing some Scottish songs with Ms.Bain, then we watched A.L from P4 perform her Highland Fling. She was brilliant.


Our winners in the Poetry recital and the class dressed up.

This was followed by refreshments of shortbread and juice. We then listened to the Gruffalo in Scots. After watching a powerpoint about tartan, we designed our own. Some great results. The afternoon was finished off with some of the children reciting poems. Well done to the children who confidently stood up to do their poems.
On Friday some of the class  presented what we have learnt in the last 2 weeks, at assembly.
In Phonics we have continued with the magic ‘e’ but with ‘i’. So some of our words have been pipe, kite and my particular favourite – wine. The other group have been learning words with ‘oa’ and ‘ow’ in.

Some model making:

Cosmic yoga in P2B.

We have continued with money this week and working out what coins we need to make up certain amounts. Next week we will move onto multiplication.
So a busy week for us all and now we can look forward to our Haggis, Neeps and Tatties this weekend. Enjoy everyone.
Love from
P2B and Mrs.Burton

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