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Computers, computers, computers (P3A)

This week we were given our own Education City logins and passwords. Instead of being P3 Play Leaders this week, we became P3 ICT Leaders! We helped the P1 pupils to access and play games on Education City.

In Numeracy this week we have been learning to subtract near multiples of 10. This can be quite tricky but we have been using our 100 squares to help us. When we have been subtracting 21, we have been subtracting 20 and then subtracting 1 and when we have been subtracting 19, we have been subtracting 20 and then adding 1. This week, some of us have been subtracting a two-digit number from a two-digit number and some of us have been subtracting near multiples of 10 from three-digit numbers.

This week we revised using quarter past and quarter to times and writing times on analogue and digital clocks. We played a game called ‘Wakey, Wakey’ on Education City and we played a time board game. Some of us were also learning to use am and pm times.

In Literacy this week we have been looking at alphabetical order and ordering words by their third letter. We have also been practising using a dictionary to help us to locate and spell words. In writing this week we learned to write a balanced argument! Miss Harrison showed us some headlines about computers being banned in schools! Although most of us were against this statement, we tried to think about another person’s point of view. We looked at arguments for and against with our learning partners and then we used bullet points to list our points on our planning sheets. On Thursday, Miss Harrison showed us how to write a balanced argument and then we used our planning sheet to write a balanced argument for and against banning computers in school. We were able to use an introduction, offer an opinion and use a conclusion.

This week we began our new learning focus, ‘Time Travellers’. We will be learning to compare aspects of people’s daily lives in the past with our own by looking at how computers have changed over time.  We started by working in groups and looking at how we use computers in our everyday lives.  Afterwards, we went back in time to look at the very first computers. Did you know that many of the early computers were the size of a large room or built into walls? To showcase our learning at the end of our ‘Time Travellers’ focus we will be presenting PowerPoints to P3B on how computers have changed over time. When we look at a different time period each week, we will be recording our learning on our PowerPoint presentations.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

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