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Children at work in Victorian Times P2B

The children have been busy researching what their counterparts did in Victorian Times. We found out about the job of a chimney sweep and how dangerous it was. We then drew chimney sweeps and used tissue paper and other materials to create their clothes and the background. Some super work. We then found out what other jobs children did in Victorian times and how hard it was for them. The children were fascinated. Perhaps it will encourage them to help at home!

In Maths we have continued with multiplication and some of us are getting very quick at doing the calculations. However we do need to practise when it is a word problem involving multiplication. We will continue with this next week.

We have continued with the magic ‘e’ this week but using the  ‘u-e’ diagraph and some children have been working on ‘ew’. The children have been enjoying our novel ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ so much that I thought they’d like to make up a recipe for their own medicine and what would happen if you took it. They loved describing some revolting ingredients and the affect they would have.

  Thought of this u-e word all by myself!

On Tuesday we had our reward for each house getting the target amount of Springs – a trip to Dovecot Park. The children loved it and enjoyed all the equipment with their friends.


Our P6 Pals came on Monday and played the games they had created using circuits. We really enjoyed playing the games and gave them red, amber and green,depending on how much we enjoyed them. It was mostly green!

      We’ve become Beavers! Well done.

So another busy week in P2B. Have a great weekend.

Love from P2B and Mrs.Burton

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