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Primary 5 - w/e 15th February 2019

We have had another busy week in Primary 5.

In maths our focus has been fractions. We have looked at fractions of a number and equivalent fractions. A few of us have begun to explore percentages.

Our writing focus this week was informal letter writing, when we wrote a letter to a friend, sharing information about ourselves and asking questions. Some of us chose to bring these letters home to post!

In PE we have continued to explore our physical fitness and completed circuits with a variety of activities.

In music we were looking at more graphic scores.

Our reading tasks this week looked at sequencing events in a story.

We started our Egyptian topic this week, with a KWL about Ancient Egypt. We also located Egypt and some of the key features on maps.

Have a lovely holiday weekend.

See you Wednesday

Primary 5 and Mrs Kerr

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