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Awesome Amazing Assembly

A short week in P6a, however we managed to pack lots in.

On Wednesday those of that wrote letters to Nicola Sturgeon last term were delighted to receive replies. These answered some of the questions we had asked and we were very pleased to receive them.

In literacy we wrote a newspaper article on the Industrial Revolution. In Numeracy we tackled mental maths. In Science we continued chemical reactions and looked at rusty metals.

We also spent time rehearsing for the assembly today, we want to thank everyone who came and voted for the new leaders at Springfield. SSP (Scottish Smarty Party) are the new rulers and we are sure they will do a great job leading Springfield and eventually Scotland!

We launced the Fairtrade Fortnight Bake Sale- this is being held on Thursday 7th March for children in the school and we are asking for donations to be brought in on Wednesday 6th March.

P6a are also running a design a new quidditch kit- this will be judged by the Quidditch Premier League, meaning all classes can enter

Have a lovely weekend, we are off for some well deserved Assembly Play Time!

P6a and Mrs Newton


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