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Fairtrade Fortnight in P3A

In P3A we have been very busy since our last blog post!

Last week we concluded learning about time in Numeracy and Mathematics. We revised quarter past and quarter to times and we learned how to calculate time durations and solve time word problems.

This week we started to explore money. We were learning to use coins to make money totals and to use coins to give change. We played different money games on the laptops, used coins to make different money amounts and used our subtraction skills to give change from 50p and £1.

In Numeracy, we have been learning to subtract two-digit numbers from two-digit numbers and we have been solving subtraction problems with two digit whole numbers. Some of us have been learning to subtract two-digit numbers with bridging and some of us have been using a written method to solve addition and subtraction problems with three digit whole numbers. This week we completed subtraction check-ups and Miss Harrison was very pleased with our understanding.

Last week, Miss Harrison showed us some adverts for Disney and Lego hotels. We looked at powerful words used in the adverts to persuade people to stay in the hotels and we highlighted persuasive vocabulary on a written hotel advert. Then we created our own Space Hotels for our class novel ‘Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator’. We drew pictures of our hotels and a room in our hotel and then we listed powerful words to describe them. We also included information about things to do at our hotels and included a quote from a previous hotel visitor! On Thursday last week, we used our planning sheets and our notes to write an advert for our own Space Hotel. We used titles to grab the reader’s attention, we used joining words to link our sentences together and we used powerful words to influence the reader. This week we redrafted our adverts and we got to choose whether we used word processing or lined paper to create our final drafts.

In Literacy this week, we also explored different types of news and how technologies have changed over time, giving us different ways to access the news. We identified all the ways that we can get the news and then we worked in groups to make posters about different types of news.

This Monday marked the beginning of Fairtrade Fortnight. On Tuesday afternoon, we watched a video about Fairtrade and we discussed what Fairtrade means. We also looked at different Fairtrade products. Then we entered the P6 Fairtrade Competition to design your own Fairtrade superhero.  We had lots of creative ideas such as a Fairtrade banana superhero and superheroes sporting the Fairtrade logo! On Wednesday we had a visitor in our classroom. Karri came to talk to us about Fairtrade. We learned that Linlithgow is a Fairtrade town and she told us all about the story of Fairtrade chocolate and how chocolate is made.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

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