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Perfect Performances

On Monday we started working with percentages of amounts. This was tricky, however we all perservered and managed to understand the principles. We also had our 3rd rugby session outside. Next week is our final session and we are hoping that everyone has their outdoor PE kit with them.

On Tuesday we created informational posters for the Scottish Opera. We had to include certain information and most of us managed to make lovely, bright posters. We started our health and wellbeing lessons today as well. Mrs Newton was very impressed by our atitude during this session.

Next up was our opera day! Alan, Julie, Kirsty and Ellie, from Scottish Opera, all said we were superstars as we all knew our words and picked up the moves in super quick time. We hope you enjoyed watching our performance as much as we enjoyed performing for you.

In Science we made candle holders, We worked in pairs to do this, next week we will have a discussion on who takes the products home.

A large number from the class went to perform at the Glee contest. Everyone agreed that we were amazing and we brought the Spirit Award back to Springfield, for showing respect to all the other schools and having a positive attitude to taking part.

Next week  we have our trip to New Lanark on Thursday, thank you to the parent helpers who are coming with us. We all need to wear school unifrom, sensible shoes (we will be walking quite a lot), waterproof coat, water and a packed lunch.

Have a lovely weekend,  hopefully the snow won’t be too bad!

P6a and Mrs Newton

P.S. Breaking News- well done to the 2 boys from our class who attended the chess tournament today and won all their matches.


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