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Primary 4

The class has been buzzing all week as we immersed the in our ancient Egyptian studies.  F created a 3D representation what she learnt about  the topic. D had created a life sized Sarcophagus and A shared a stop motion video of the first Egyptians.

We explored the history of Hieroglyphics and we wrote our names using this writing system .

It has been a busy week. We have been creating props for our assembly.  We applied their knowledge of symmetry and proportion in order to create symmetrical picture of Tutankhamun.


We revised our previous written task.  We used uplevelled words.  We further enhanced or knowledge on how to use adverbs and we practiced spelling words with “tch” sound..



We applied different subtraction strategies to answer word problems.  We used our RUCSAC strategy as well to help us solve them.

Expressive art

We have been practicing for our assembly.  We used out drama and performing skills.


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