Spring has sprung in P1a
We have been learning all about signs of spring this week in P1a. We went on a spring hunt in our grounds and managed to find everything on our checklist apart from a lamb…. (some people did say they saw a lamb!). We have also been watering our bulbs and they are growing each week. We can’t wait to see what colour the hyacinths will be when they come out…
When we came back to school we wrote about what we had seen. We all worked really hard to include an adjective or describing word to make our sentences more interesting. You will see our lovely writing on the walls outside our class at parents night.
We have been revising our subtraction from 6 and 7 this week, trying lots of different combinations and strategies. We also had to work out different ways to make amounts eg 8p, we found this really tricky as we knew that 4+4=8 so wanted to draw 2 x 4p, but then we realised there was no 4p coin…We really had to use our school value of resilience and keep trying and trying until we could find an answer…
Our new digraphs this week were ‘oo’ and ‘ew’ as in look and blew. They both make an ooh sound. We realised that ‘oo’ is mainly in the middle of words and ‘ew’ at the end. Our new common words were ‘of’ and ‘her’.
This week we did some baking since Mrs Gordon had some very ripe bananas. We learnt about food hygiene and keeping ourselves safe in the kitchen. We made 2 Banana Loaves and then we got to eat them! We all tried it and most of us had seconds…we love baking!
This week we had a guest art teacher…Tallulah’s mum! We made art to go with the story “We’re going on a bear hunt”. We made the swishy swashy grass, some snowflakes, the river and some bears! It was such fun! They are for our “Going on a Bear Hunt” display. Thank you Mrs Lang!
Happy weekend from Mrs Gordon and P1a