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Primary 1B - w/e 29th March 2019

This week in Literacy we have been revising all sounds and tricky words we have learned this term.  Everyone had the chance to go over each of the digraphs and tricky words individually with Mrs Reid.  As well as reading the digraphs and digraph words, everyone tried to write them too.  We found this trickier but know with practise we will get better at this.

In Numeracy we have been learning about numbers to 20.  We have been counting up from 0 to 20 and back again and have also been practising writing the numbers.  We have been doing lots of sequencing activities, talking about number before and number after.  We found completing the backwards sequences a little more challenging than going forwards but when we took our time we could work out the next number.

We completed our work on Money this week.  Our coin recognition is now very good.  We added monetary amounts together and also worked out the difference between monetary amounts.  We still need to remember to check which symbol is used in a question (+ or -) or check which words are used (e.g. more than, less than) to work out whether we should be adding or taking away.

Within our Transport topic we have been learning about hot air balloons.  We learned how they fly and Mrs Reid was impressed to hear us talking about the air molecules which had been mentioned in the film we watched!  We looked at pictures of different hot air balloons and described them to each other and then everyone designed their own hot air balloon.  Our designs were very imaginative.

Everyone made their hand print into something special for their Mum for Mother’s Day.  Hope all the Mums are well looked after this weekend!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Reid and Primary 1B

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