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Gymnastics, adding 3 numbers and Wild storyboards in P2A

On Monday we had a lovely afternoon making special cards with our P6 pals – we hope you like them

On Wednesday afternoon we had a gymnastics taster session with Danielle. This was great fun – we have lots of gymnasts in our class!

In Maths this week Miss Devonshire taught us strategies for adding 3 single digits. We know we can look for number bonds, use a number line or start with the biggest number to help us find the answer. For example:

3 + 7 + 8 =

10 + 8 =

We were very resilient and challenged ourselves; some of us were even adding 3 2 digit numbers!

In Literacy we wrote a storyboard of the story ‘Wild’. We are each working on our own personal writing targets; we worked hard to meet these when we wrote our storyboards. Most of us need to work on consistently spelling common words correctly in our Writing. Lots of us are using WOW words and time connectives. Here are some examples of our work:

On Wednesday we painted pictures from the story to put on our corridor display; you can enjoy looking at all of our amazing work next week!

On Thursday we learned about how to look after a baby. We had a great discussion about what a baby needs. We have some experts in the class – Mrs Bell and Miss Devonshire learned lots!

As next week is the last week of term and we have parent evenings, we will only give out reading books on Monday, no spellings.

Look forward to seeing you all next week.
Easter holiday countdown is on!

Love P2A, Mrs Bell and Miss Devonshire x

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