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Primary 5 - w/e 29th March 2019

This week we have learned lots about mummifying. We wrote instructions about how to mummify a pharaoh and we have mummified apples and tomatoes and are looking forward to seeing what they will look like next week. We have looked at some of the pharaohs from Ancient Egypt  and sequenced them using the dates they reigned over. We researched some facts about Tutankhamen comparing the reliability of sources.  We have also used clay and made our own Canopic Jars. Ask us what we put in them!!

In maths we were looking at 2D and 3D shapes, revising their names and properties. We have looked at the nets that form 3D shapes and also the technical names for different parts of the 3D shapes. Some of us were also using compasses to draw patterns with circles.

In music we played a game using beats for Egyptian words and we had to identify them.

In Science we were planning our egg drop activity. We will carry this experiment out next week.

Have a lovely weekend.

Kind regards

Primary 5 and Mrs Kerr


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