Almost the end (of term!) for P6a
Another busy week in P6a, but we have worked really hard over the last 3 months and we are almost at the end of the term
Monday we looked at how mood and atmoshere is created in comprehension, we tackled some tricky questions in maths, finished our health and wellbeing lessons and started a piece of art based on either a Constable or a Lowry painting.
Tuesday Caro came in for our final rehearsal in school. We have a rehearsal at the museum on Thursday 25th April and our live performance will be on Thursday 2nd May at 10am. More details of this will be sent home after the holidays.
Wednesday saw us visit St Michaels Cross House and we took part in a variety of activities with children from Lowport and Linlithgow Primary schools. It was a lovely day and we made some nice crafts.
On Thursday we did our final non fiction piece of writing for the term. We all wrote a diary entry about our visit to New Lanark. We also started to select 2 pieces of work we are proud of and 1 piece we think could be improved. Look out for these in our jotters on parents nights.
In Science we planned the egg drop task and some of us work in groups to make a Knex model.
Next week we will be sharing our personal projects with each other, Mrs Newton has been impressed with the work we all did on these. We also have parents nights on Wednesday and Thursday, then finally on Friday we are off to church for our annual Easter service.
Have a lovely weekend, the last one before the holidays :0) :0)
P6a and Mrs Newton