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P4/5 Week commencing 1st April 2019

On Tuesday we had our last NYCOS lesson. We revised all of the games and song we had been learning.  We also surprised Tracy by singing a song that we created using the rhythms and beats she had taught us.  We also gave her a nice card signed by us all and a wee present to remember us.

In our Egyptian topic this week we carried out the mummification procedure on tomatoes.  We extracted the “organs” and then place the tomato shell in a sarcophagus covered in salt.  We are going to take them home and then look at the results in a week’s time.

In Science we conducted the “egg drop” challenge.  We had to design a protective cover for the egg before dropping it from a height of 2m.  FB and NMcK won the class challenge.

In Maths we took part in two mystery Easter competitions to find out who stole the Easter Bunny’s costume.  We had to use our knowledge of numbers and maths to solve the clues.

In PE this week we performed our gymnastic moves that we had been learning during the term.

In French we made and designed Easter Bunny cards to wish everyone a Happy Easter “Joueuses Paques!”

We all attended the Easter Church service today where FB read “In the Garden” as part of the lesson on behalf of the class.

By Mr Ritchie and all the “Tiggerrific” P4/5s!

Happy Easter!

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