P7B Weekly update
Welcome back to all Primary 7’s. Everyone has returned back from their Easter holidays all refreshed and eager to learn. It’s the final term of Primary 7 and we are going to make sure that we make it a term full of fun and making lasting memories.
Literacy: During this week we focused on spelling words with suffixes, ‘able’, ‘ible’, ‘ably’, ‘ibly’, we discussed noticeable patterns in these words and identified that some words ending in ‘able’ have a spelling rule which we can use when spelling words ending in ‘able’. We identified which word classes the spelling words belonged to. We picked up where we left off in our class novel, Goodnight Mister Tom, we continued to read the next two chapters of the novel and discussed and analysed how the main character William changes throughout the novel, we compared his life in London to the life he is now living in the countryside. We continue to use a variety of reading skills and strategies to answer comprehension questions based on the novel.
Numeracy: We are extending our knowledge of Algebra. We have been learning the mathematical terms used in algebra, such as expression, equation, terms and value. This week we continued to simplify expressions, and we have been working on solving equations.
IDL: We have shown a lot of interest during our lessons on WWII, this week we were very fortunate to have Maureen, from West Lothian Museums, share with us some facts about the war and had some items from the past for us to have a look at. We were very intrigued by some of the items and stories from during the war.
HWB: Target setting is important for us to help us to set ourselves challenges which will help us to achieve in our learning. This week, we have set ourselves learning targets for numeracy and literacy. During PE this week with Mrs. Matos we enjoyed a game on rounders, next week we will begin to work on our fitness program.
1+2: French with Mrs. Gordon this week, we practiced some French vocabulary that we have been learning this year, we played a very fun game of ‘race dressing’, Mrs. Gordon had some dressing up items laid out, we were split into two groups, when she called out the item name in French the first group to put on the correct item would get a point for their team, it was plenty of fun, and a interesting way to help us with our French. Thank you Mrs. Gordon.
P1 Buddies: We are still getting some opportunities to spend time with our buddies, we paired up with our buddies and read a book together.
A very busy week, next week we are looking forward to our ‘Farm to Fork’, trip and on Wednesday night is the Careers Fayre.
P7B and Mrs. Matos