P4/5 Week commencing 29th April 2019
In Maths we started to look at the connection between multiplication and division. We also challenged ourselves to a game of “Noggle” and used our maths knowledge to solve the maths murder mystery game.
In grammar this week we looked at root words and also practised the horizontal join in our handwriting.
This week some of us also brought in our “mummified tomatoes” so we could examine if the process had been successful. We discovered that some of them were all dried out (mummified) and some still had moisture left in them so they would need to be left in the salt for a longer period of time.
In PE this week we played outdoor games and a game of “rounders.” It was very competitive and we all had great fun!
In Reading we continued with our Literacy Circles and had some very good discussions about the work of the different authors. The “Word Wizard’s” selected some excellent words this week to challenge their groups. We all enjoy taking on the different roles and responsibilities involved within the circle.
We also completed our “KWL” grid for our new topic The Union Canal and the Scottish Canal network.
In Science this week we had a visit from “Lego Mindstorm” who let us programme robots. We had to complete different challenges by programming the robots to move around objects. At the end the robots had a disco which was a result of us programming them to dance.
On Thursday we also received a visit from two German exchange students called Hanna and Helen. They had a tour of the school to discover the differences between the schools in Scotland and Germany.
We also completed our HMIE questionnaire ready for them coming on the 13th May.
Mr Ritchie and the “tiggerrific” P4/5’s