This week it was STEM Week in P3A!

As part of STEM Week, we carried out an experiment on water absorption. We explored the investigation question; ‘Does the type of paper affect how far water will travel through it?’ We discussed what we were going to find out and planned our experiment. On our notes, we listed resources and things that we were going to keep the same to keep our experiment fair. We drew diagrams and then we made a hypothesis. On Wednesday we carried out our experiment. We found out that the type of paper has a big effect on how far water travels through it.

In Literacy, we learned how to write a scientific report using our experiment notes. We used a title, the correct layout, included a diagram and used scientific vocabulary. We enjoyed being scientists!

On Wednesday afternoon we went to ‘Bricks and Blocks’ by Generation Science. We learned about computer programming. We started our session by talking about robots. We learned that robots do jobs we can’t do and that they require special instructions via computers. To practise giving instructions, we instructed a human robot to make a jam sandwich! Our instructions had to be clear, precise and in the correct order. Afterwards, we learned about computer programming. We worked in pairs to build Lego robots and we used instruction blocks to program our robots. Our challenge was to score a goal against our robots which were programmed to be goalkeepers! We really enjoyed our session with Generation Science.

In Numeracy we have started multiplication. Some of us were learning the 2, 5 and 10 times-tables, some of us were learning the 3 and 4 times-tables and some of us were learning the 8 and 6 times-tables. We have been using arrays to practise our multiplication facts and we have been playing lots of times-table games to improve our mental recall.

On Friday it was our class assembly. We were leaders in our learning and we made the decision to deliver an assembly on Endangered Animals. We worked in groups and selected an endangered animal to research. Using digital technology, we created presentations about our animals, including videos. On Friday we presented our assembly to the whole school and our families and friends. We spoke confidently and clearly and did a fantastic job of sharing our learning. Miss Harrison was extremely proud of us.

Thank you very much for reading our weekly blog. We hope that you have a lovely long weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

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