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Primary 1B - w/e 17th May 2019

We have had another very busy week in P1b!

In Literacy, we have been learning two new digraphs, ‘ow’ as in cow and ‘ou’ as in loud.  We learned that there is unfortunately no pattern to follow to work out which ow/ou to use when we are spelling using this digraph but we know that with lots of practise we will get to know which one to use.  Our new tricky words were ‘here’ and ‘into’.

In Numeracy we were learning about one and two more or less than within 20 and how to order a selection of numbers within 20, both forwards and backwards.  We created number lines in pairs and challenged each other to work out one or two more than or one or two less than.   Once we had shown that we could order numbers from 1 to 20, we challenged ourselves by selecting a few cards at random and put these in order from smallest to largest and vice versa.  Mrs Reid was very impressed with our ordering skills. 

In Maths we were learning about Data Handling.  We learned that data is information and that ‘handling’ means how to present the information to make it easier to understand.  We did a class survey of favourite fruit.  We learned how to collect data using tally marks and how to put this information into a pictogram.  We did very well answering questions about the data, using the pictogram to help us.

In PE, we continued our Gymnastics block with Mrs Harris.  We were learning about balancing and jumping this week.   We worked hard to listen to instructions and did our best to balance on the floor and on sloping benches.

We had some very special P1 visitors this week – a policeman, firefighter, nurse, midwife and community youth worker!  Not only were these great community jobs for us to learn about as part of our Community focus but these people were special because they are mums and dads of some the P1a and P1b children!  We joined up with P1a for the event and had great fun learning about the different jobs.  We got to spend time with each of the visitors and got to pretend we were doing their jobs!  Mrs Reid and Mrs Gordon were delighted to hear both classes asking great questions and sharing their learning with each other.

We have continued to learn about the butterfly life cycle and have been watching our caterpillars very closely over the past couple of weeks.  We have been amazed at how quickly they have grown, becoming very fat and hairy!  When we arrived on Wednesday we found they had transformed into their cocoons.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Reid and Primary 1B

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